Have Fun Storming the Castle!

Michael OBrien
2 min readNov 21, 2020

On Friday, during our Leadership Academy call, we dove into our Thanksgiving favs. We also tossed around the gratitude football by sharing a high note, a challenge (’cause what you resist persists), and something interesting from 2020.

Health, slowing down, work-life integration, self-care, family and friends, and no longer asking for permission were some of the highlights. The challenges spoke to our loss of control, grief, and divisiveness. A frequent “most interesting” share was all about how we are emotional creatures who sometimes think — in other words, the study of human behavior this year has been fascinating. Can I get an Amen to that?

For me, one of the high points, as I shared last week, is the connections we’ve created or renewed. As we’ve pedal together, our peloton has grown, and a common question I’ve received is, “Michael, why do you always tell us to have fun storming the castle each week? What’s up with that?”

Well, this week’s video answers that question, and it’s filled with more awesome-sauce than you might realize. I share all that I love about the saying but leave one element out for a future shift tip.

So, what is your high, low, and most interesting thing from this year, or maybe you wish to share your Thanksgiving favorite? Either way, share away.

As always, thank you for watching, subscribing, and rippling goodness this year. I’m grateful that each week we get to pause, breathe, and reflect together.

Until next week, Happy Thanksgiving, and, wait for it…have fun storming the castle!


Don’t forget to join our P.B.R. movement and grab your gear. Click PBR to get your Pause, Breathe, and Reflect on.

I also want to give a shout-out to one of our peloton members, Rikki-Quinn, and her AR Workshop, which is filled with awesome-sauce DIY holiday ideas. Click DIY to discover more.



Michael OBrien

Executive Leadership & Team Coach | Husband | Father | TEDx Speaker | Author of SHIFT | #SHIFT | #Cyclist | #pausebreathereflect | www.michaelobrienshift.com